christ the high priest

The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant, helper, or servant. In the Old Testament, the prophet Samuel is seen helping the Levite Priest, Eli. For his life, see 1 Samuel 1 (1 Kingdoms 1). Furthermore, acolytes have been compared to angels as they serve the Lord. In the early years of the Christian Church, acolytes helped the Deacons and Priests as young boys. This tradition has been continued directly through the Orthodox Church and also through the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant denominations.
Being an acolyte is a privilege and an honor. Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco said, "One must bear in mind that the sanctuary is the most holy place, and that it is required that one stand therein with the utmost reverence; in passing the High Place one must cross oneself, and one must always follow the service with attention."
Witnessing the Body and Blood of Christ being prepared in the Altar should not be taken lightly. It is important that acolytes -- soldiers for Christ -- be dressed properly and be attentive during the service to the needs of the Priest and Clergy. Some churches are more strict than others, but all acolytes should do the best that they can. "By serving in the altar we are serving God at "the golden altar which was before the throne." [Revelation 8:3] We are not serving for our own glory and self-interest, but for the glory of God and His Holy Church." Quote from Fr. Michael Habib's "Altar Server's Guide in Serving."
what is an acolyte?

orthodox acolytes during the great procession
Being an Acolyte is a task usually fulfilled by boys aged 9-19, although there have been and can be older men as Acolytes. Acolytes show respect and attend to the needs of the Priest and other Clergy, as well as praying and participating in worship.
Many Priests, Deacons, and other clergy began as an Acolyte. In this way, an Acolyte has the opportunity to see and understand the Divine Services and hopefully one day move on to becoming a Priest, Deacon, or Subdeacon. An Altar Server can be seen as an apprentice, learning from the clergy.
An Acolyte is a Soldier for Christ.
"now then, obey the commands that i have given you today; love the lord your god and serve him with all your heart."
deuteronomy HH:HJ
"so then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. keep busy always in your work for the lord, since you know that nothing you do in the lord’s service is ever useless."
H corinthians HL:LO
"whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so that my servant will be with me where i am. and my father will honor anyone who serves me."
john HI:IM
"when we love someone, we do our best to please that person... therefore, we love the lord, jesus, and we love this kind of ministry." - B his eminence, archbishop joseph, former metropolitan of the antiochian orthodox archdiocese of north america.

Please note that all of the information in this website has been accumulated from various sources. The information provided is only a recommendation of what an Acolyte could do to improve his performance, and is not an official or mandated code.