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acolyte etiquette*

how an Acolyte acts behind the Altar



How a boy learns to behave in the Altar (Sanctuary) is the most important prerequisite to becoming an Acolyte. As has been said before, it is a privilege to serve the Lord in the Altar, and a privilege that can be taken away if abused. An Acolyte should be praying and serving at the same time, both absorbed in the holy service, and being of use knowing what to do.


Nothing should be brought into the sanctuary that is not used in the Divine Services. This includes cellphones, toys, or anything that an acolyte has in his pockets. Likewise, an Altar Server should not bring anything to church that he will not immediately need. It is a good practice to leave cellphones at home since they have no liturgical use and can serve as distractions.


In this website you will find everything you need to know in order to become a skilled Acolyte.


the altar table and prosthesis table


St. John of San Francisco says, "They (acolytes) should not touch the Holy Table nor the Table of Oblation (proskomidi or prosthesis table)." An Acolyte should at no time touch the Altar Table (Holy Table). This action is  only for a Priest, Deacon, or other clergy. In addition, removing and placing items on the Altar is forbidden to Acolytes.


If at any time an Acolyte finds himself in a situation where he needs to put something on the Altar Table, (the spoons, napkins, etc.) the Acolyte should give it to the Priest or Deacon.


Crossing in front of the Altar Table is likewise forbidden, although this does not accidentally happen since the Priest is usually there. When moving from one side of the sanctuary to the other (which should be done minimally) an Acolyte should make the sign of the cross as he moves behind the Altar Table to the other side.


The Prosthesis Table is the table to the left or right and back of the Altar Table. It is where the wine and bread is prepared prior to the service. The chalices and The Gifts remain on the Prosthesis Table until the great Procession, where The Gifts are moved to the Altar Table. The table holds many important and holy items, so an Altar Server should not touch the table unless otherwise instructed.




the priest and other clergy


As would be expected, the Acolytes stand attentive to the needs of the Priest and do not daydream or flip the pages of their service book constantly. When a Priest tells an Acolyte to do something, he does it without hesitation. The Acolytes are under the command of:


The Metropolitan.

The Archbishop.

The Bishop.

The Priest(s).

The Deacon(s).

The Subdeacon(s).

The adult helpers.

The more experienced Acolytes.





being attentive


In the Altar, there is no talking, except for whispering when absolutely needed to communicate. St. John of San Francisco says, "In the sanctuary one should not engage in conversations, nor laugh, nor should one walk about the church, and particularly is this so during Divine liturgy itself." Here is a list of Altar Server Dos and Don'ts compiled from various sources:



Pay attention to the service and the Clergy.

Be familiar with your jobs.

Stand quietly where you are told.

Think about what is going to happen next in the service and what your job is.



Be loud.

Be too absorbed in your service book.

Drop your service book.


Be disrespectful.

Slouch or stretch.


















To show the Priest that you are paying attention and can be relied on, it can be helpful to recite prayers loudly when they are said in the service (The Lord's Prayer, the Nicene Creed, etc.).


An addition, there are two times during the Divine Liturgy, once before the Great Procession and once before Communion, when the Priest bows to everyone in the Altar and in the congregation, asking for forgiveness. It is helpful to the Priest if the Acolytes bow in return, acknowledging his forgiveness.


Although it is important to know what comes next and your part in the service, it is also important to have your mind in worship, praying to God.


* Many of these practices vary across different parishes and archdioceses. However, this website will still help any acolyte with his job.


st. john the wonderworker

IG rules for altar servers, by st. john of shanghai and san francisco


[These twenty rules are not official or mandated codes for all churches. They are merely suggestions given by St. John, and therefore many of them are not currently practiced.]


1) To serve in the sanctuary, it is necessary to take the blessing of the priest, or at an hierarchical service, the Hierarch.


2) One must come to church before the beginning of the service.


3) On entering the sanctuary, one must face the Holy Table and, on weekdays, make three full prostrations to the ground, or, on Sundays and the feasts of the Lord, three profound bows from the waist.


4) Those persons who are not serving are not permitted to enter the sanctuary.


5) Only those who have gathered to serve may enter the sanctuary.


6) When vesting in their stikharions [servers’ robes], servers should remove their ties [Ties, or neckties as the Americans call them, are considered to be an unnecessary adornment. One often finds in Russian parishes that even laymen in the congregation do not wear them—ed.]


7) When taking off the stikharion, it must be neatly folded or hung in its place.


8) In the sanctuary one should not engage in conversations, nor laugh, nor should one walk about the church, and particularly is this so during the Divine service itself. 


9) All readers and altar-servers must be in stikharions. One must also obtain a blessing from the priest, or in an hierarchical service the Hierarch, to take off one’s stikharion.


10) For communion of the Holy Mysteries, the servers, with the exception of the readers, take off their stikharions.


11) They should not touch the Holy Table nor the Table of Oblation (proskomidi).


12) They should not walk about in church during the reading of the Gospel, the Apostle or between the exclamations “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ …” and “And the mercies of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all.”


13) Even before putting on the stikharion, their hands must be clean. 


14) In the sanctuary and sacristy, nothing should be brought that is not used in the Divine services.


15) Sitting down, while wearing the stikharion, is not permitted.


16) Before taking candles or the liturgical fans out, the server should cross himself before the icon in the High Place and bow to the Hierarch or priest, who stands before the Holy Table. On returning, they should repeat this.


17) One must bear in mind that the sanctuary is the most holy place, and that it is required that one stand therein with the utmost reverence; in passing the High Place one must cross oneself, and one must always follow the service with attention.


18) During the “I believe” and the “Our Father, ” all the servers go out onto the ambon to join in the general singing. [In the Russian practice, the creed and the Lord’s Prayer are sung and not recited].


19) At the time when the clergy are receiving Holy Communion, the servers should stand reverently within the sanctuary; and during the sermon they should leave to stand on the ambon to listen to it.


20) Those who break the Church Rule for Servers, should stand on the left kliros [choir place] until the end of the service.


N.B. These disciplines are not kept in exactly this way in every church, but they do indicate the seriousness with which such a great saint of our times as St. John took the duties of the altarservers, and should remind us of the importance of this ministry, and the good order which should be observed.


From “The Shepherd”, Vol. XX, No. 11 (July 2000), pp. 8-9

prayer to st. john of shanghai and san francisco


beloved Hierarch John, while living amongst us thou didst see the future as if present, distant things as if near the hearts and minds of men as if they were thine own.
We know that in this thou wast illumined by God, with Whom thou wast ever in the mystical communion of prayer, and with Whom thou now abidest eternally.
As thou once didst hear the mental petitions of thy far-scattered flock even before they could speak to thee, so now hear our prayers and bring them before the Lord. 
Thou hast gone over unto the life unaging, unto the other world, yet thou art in truth not far from us, for heaven is closer to us than our own souls. 
Show us who feel frightened and alone the same compassion that thou didst once show to the trembling fatherless ones.
Give to us who have fallen into sin, confusion and despair the same stern yet loving instruction that thou didst once give to thy chosen flock.
In thee we see the living likeness of our Maker, the living spirit of the Gospel and the foundation of our Faith.
In the pure life that thou hast led during our sinful times, we see a model of virtue, a source of instruction and inspiration. 
Beholding the grace bestowed upon thee, we know that God hath not abandoned His people.
It is rather we that haste fallen from Him, and so must regain the likeness of Divinity as thou hast done.
Through thine intercession, O blessed one, grant that we may increase our striving toward our heavenly homeland, setting our affections on things above, laboring in prayer and virtue, waging war against the attacks of our fallen nature.
Invoke the mercy of God, that we may one day join thee in His Kingdom.
For our deepest wish is to live forever with Him, with the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Download "20 Rules for Altar Servers" by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco for reference.

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