life implications
A devoted Acolyte should not only live according to God's laws at church, but also in all aspects of his life.
Melchizedek was a priest mentioned in the Old Testament and is an intercessor for all priests. Many Acolytes fulfill their heavenly calling by becoming priests or other clergy.
living god's commandments
In order for an Acolyte to truly devote himself to his holy service, he must strive to live according to God's Law. Here is a short list to help one organize himself and to see where you are with regards to where you should be.
1. Daily Prayer - Morning and Evening
2. Daily Bible Reading - Mobile apps help make this easy. A good recommendation is "Daily Readings" produced by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
3. Observe and keep the Ten Commandments - These are a good place to start since they are the basis for virtue.
4. Give Confession at a minimum of four times a year. Talk to your confessor and easily schedule a time to take Confession.
5. Prepare weekly to receive Communion - If you haven't prepared, don't partake and ask to wait and serve next week. In preparation, fast on Sunday and attend as many services as possible, including Great Vespers.
Here is a list of less strongly encouraged actions, yet encouraged nonetheless.
1. Attend a Bible study.
2. Help your family at home.
3. Engage in other ministries at your parish. Some examples are; candle making, cleaning, gardening, and staying after the services to help the priest with anything he needs.
In this way, an Acolyte not only aids in the Divine Services helping the faithful, but he himself is an example to them. Remember, being an Acolyte is a blessing. Many adults who have not been tonsured long to serve in the Altar and witness the miracles therein. Listen to God to see if it is your future calling to a life of further service such as the Priesthood or the Deaconate in Christ.
helpful links
​ - This is a link to a book entitled "Altar Boy's Guide in Serving the Divine Liturgy of our Father among the Saints JOHN CHRYSOSTOM."
​ - This website focuses on the beauty of the monastic life through stunning photography.
​ - This url leads to a dowload page for the Daily Readings App mentioned above.
​ - A great Orthodox publication company that also has many edifying podcasts.
​ - Patristic Nectar publishes countless podcasts and videos on a wide variety of Orthodox Christian topics.
​ - A simple website with a colorful collection of Orthodox Prayers.
​ - Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary.
​ - Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.
​ - Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. - A ten day summer camp for Orthodox Christian high school Seniors, focusing on enriching the faith.
​ - A Wikipedia page about the Holy Mountain.
​ - 300 Orthodox Ascetic quotes.